



这个书单的书基本上都是美国高中的必读书目,但是删去了一些过于晦涩(比如james joyce的Ulysses)或者语言过于难懂(比如Mark Twine的Adventure of Huckleberry Finn)或者明显歧视性的 你只要看过了这书单所有的书(81本),就相当于在美国读了四年的高中英语(文学)课程,跟老美谈文学艺术的素材就够了:
Jane Austen:                 Emma, Pride and Prejudice
Samuel Beckett:           Waiting for Godot
Marion Bradley:            The Mists of Avalon
Charlotte Bronte:          Jane Eyre
Samuel Butler:              The Way of the Flesh
Joseph Conrad:            Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim
Charles Dickens:          Bleak House, Great Expectations, Hard Times, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist
Daphne du Maurier:     Rebecca
Dldous Huxley:            Brave New World
Kazuo Ishiguro:           Remains of the Day
John Milton:                 Paradise Lost
Sir Thomas More:        Utopia
George Orwell:           1984, Animal Farm
Mary Shelley:              Frankenstein
Jonathan Swift:           Gulliver’s Travels
Virginia Woolf:            A Room of One’s Own
Borland:                     When the Legends Die
Bradbury:                   Fahrenheit 451
Hemingway:               the old man and the sea, Farewell to Arms
Hersey:                      Hiroshima
Lee:                           To Kill a Mockingbird
London:                      The call of the Wild
Steinbeck:                  the Pearl, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath
Mark Twain:               Adventure of Tom Sawyer, A connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court
Buck:                         The good earth
Chekhov:                    Chrry Orchard
Pat Frank:                  “Alas, Babylon”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: One Hundred Yers of Solitude
von Goethe:                  Sorrows of Young Werther
Golding:                         Lord of the Flies
Green:                          King Arthur and His Knights of the round Table
Hugo:                           Les Miserables
Henrik Ibsen:                A doll’s House, Hedda Gabler
Machiavelli:                   the Prince
Remarque:                    All Quiet on the Western Front
Albert Camus:             The Stranger
Chopin:                       The Awakening
Ellison:                        Invisible Man
Faulkner:                     the Sound and the Fury
Kafka:                        The Metamorphosis
Sophocles:                  Antigone, Oedipus Rex
Stowe:                       Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Turgenev:                  Fathers and Son
Jack Kerouac:             on the road
James Harriet:             All Things Great and Small
Joseph Heller:              Catch 22
Arthur MIller:               Death of a Salesman, the Crucible
Alexander Hamilton:     the Federalist Papers
Scott Fitzgerald:           The Great Gatsby
Upton Sinclair:              the Jungle
John Groberg:              the other side of heaven
Ezra Taft Benson:          the proper role of government
Stephen Crane:              The red Badge of Courage
Nathaniel Hawthorne:     The scarlet Letter
Chinua Achebe:              Things Fall Apart
Julia Alvarez:                  how the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent
Geofferey Chaucer:         the canterbury Tales
Fyodor Dostoyevsky:      Crime and Punishment
Homer:                          the Illiad, the Odyssey
Ken Kesey:                     one flew over the cuckoo’s Nst
Edgar Allan Poe:             Complete Tales and Poems
William Shakespear:        MacBeth, Hamlet, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet
Amy Tan:                        The Joy Luck Club


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