BFA-Acting, Stage Performance,Theatre Art
MFA-Acting, Stage Performance,Theatre Art
这是艺术类申请中的另外一个方向-表演。其实表演分为很多种(但是在本科阶段还不至于分到这样细),从每个学校设置专业的称谓上可以大体的能感觉出这个学校的这个专业的侧重方向,或者是优势部分。比如,acting是最笼统的说法,也是最general宽泛的。有的命名为stage performance,舞台表演,我个人肤浅地理解更侧重指的是强调观众和表演在一个“时”“空”内,更强调给现场观众带来的表演艺术形式(我是完全站在观众和观赏形式的角度去理解),而且在表演内容上来看,个人认为更加的宽泛。一说到表演和舞台表演,大家很自然地想到电视,电影,话剧,歌剧等有连续情节的东西,其实一个主持人的节目主持,内容介绍,都应该算作舞台艺术的。有的命名为剧场艺术,这个就更加专业和“窄”一些,更多的是在剧场里面做的现场表演形式。还有的学校没有专门表演的专业,而是把有表演学习和训练作为单独的部分放到theatre management剧场管理课程里面,有点类似于你学习电影导演(film director)的学生肯定也了解或者是精通整个电影中的流程部分和某个技能,比如剧本,摄像,角色表演等。这样的专业,更强调的是对剧场艺术的整体学习和了解。
很多本科申请(包括研究生申请),大家还是说:“我要学习表演”。只要是艺术类申请,都是和一般学科的申请不一样。一个是作品集,另外一个是表演里面唯一或者是说比较独特的申请材料:live audition (现场试镜),和比如绘画,服装,电影制作导演等艺术类申请邮寄音频影频资料更加有挑战性和难度了。作品集和视镜都有哪些要求已经如何去准备,我做完案子之后认为表演类申请的作品集和视镜对于申请者来说有更多的自主选择性,而且挑选素材和准备素材上面需要更多的去筛选和训练,而不是像绘画,服装,电影制作那样将自己过往的作品精选出来可以代表不同的风格,从而让自己的整体实力和真实水平能够得到很全面的展示。表演则不同,两段2分钟的对白(选材有范围,但是具体内容自己定)外加作词作曲或者是2分钟的唱歌的才艺表现就让录取官决定要不要你,有点“高考”的残忍。
从这个角度讲,我推荐大家了解一下美国表演艺术(同时也是音乐)最高学府:茱莉亚音乐学院 的作品集要求来作为表演类作品集准备的标杆。
其实朱利亚音乐学院的全名是The Juilliard School。并没有写明是“音乐学院”。所以朱利亚其实有三座学院“舞蹈学院”“音乐学院”“戏剧学院”。出人意料的是,朱利亚如果按照这三所学院自身的档次排队,最好的是“戏剧学院”(2009年全美戏剧学院排行第一),然后是“舞蹈学院”(09年全美舞蹈学院排名第二)和“音乐学院”(09年全美音乐学院排名第二)并列。
Audition Materials
Four memorized monologues (two classical and two contemporary), each approximately two minutes in length. One of the classical selections must be from a play by Shakespeare. In the initial audition, we will ask each auditioner to present two monologues ¨C one classical and one contemporary ¨C of contrasting natures. The remaining two monologues are in reserve, in the event we need to see additional material. Please note: Do not select monologues from monologue books and please be prepared to answer questions about the entire play from which your selection is chosen.
Classical material must be in verse or blank verse ¡ª NOT PROSE. Possible classical selections include: Greek plays in verse translation, Lope de Vega, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Webster, John Ford, Racine in verse translation, William Congreve, and Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Contemporary selections may be from Anton Chekhov to present day.
Applicants should prepare 16 bars of any song (to be sung a cappella). If an applicant is asked to sing, it is an opportunity for our faculty to find out information about an applicant¡¯s vocal range and instrument. Please note: Not all applicants will be asked to sing during the audition process and a trained singing voice is not required for admission.
Applicants are required to bring one copy of their resume to the audition. Applicants are also welcome to bring one photograph or headshot to the audition. Photographs are optional. Please refer here for more information on resumes and photographs. Please do not mail or e-mail resumes or photos before your audition.
1) 背诵演绎四段(两段古典,两段现代)独白,每段独白2分钟。其中一段古典独白必须来自与莎士比亚
2) 古典独白必须是以诗歌或者是素体诗的形式(不能是散文),学校给出了可以选择古典戏剧的范围:Greek plays in verse translation, Lope de Vega, William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, John Webster, John Ford, Racine in verse translation, William Congreve, and Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 注释:今年申请本科表演的学生家长都是资深表演系出身,有多部影视作品,所以对给孩子选择试镜素材和训练准备都很专业。就古典独白这块,妈妈为孩子选取准备了两段莎士比亚的戏剧的独白,以诗和素体诗的形式。原因:1)莎士比亚对于孩子来说是这些选材范围内最熟悉的一个,只要给孩子再系统教一些莎士比亚作品的历史和文化艺术背景,孩子在准备起来就即快又能在最后的表演中加入展示出合适的表情和情绪。2)一千个观众,有一千个汉姆雷特,也有一千个演哈姆雷特的演员。莎士比亚的作品算是比较多样化的,而且古今中外各种版本的演绎都有。孩子在准备工程中,能够同一个剧本和人物有各种学习的对象,既不枯燥,又让孩子没有压力。
3) 当代独白必须是从Anton Chekhov安东·巴甫洛维奇·契诃夫时代开始到现代
陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821-1881),俄国十九世纪著名作家。《罪与罚》是他的代表作之一。 小说描写穷大学生拉斯柯尔尼科夫受无政府主义思想毒害,认为自己是个超人,可以为所欲为。为生计所迫,他杀死放高利贷的房东老太婆和她的无辜的妹妹,制造了一起震惊全俄的凶杀案。经历了一场内心痛苦的忏悔后,他最终在基督徒索尼雅姑娘的规劝下,投案自首,被判流放西伯利亚。作品着重刻画主人公犯罪后的心理变化,揭示俄国下层人民的艰难生活。
另外一段当代独白,我们准备了世界范围内都很有影响力的雷雨。这样做的原因:1,展现自己的文化背景-来自中国 2.雷雨本身在世界范围内很有影响力,老外们有一定的背景了解 3.准备大段的英文独白和背景材料让孩子压力非常大,来一段母语的东西能缓解这个压力,而且从某种程度上让孩子对自己有信心。
4) 准备四段台词的同时,也准备好回答有可能对与四段独白来自的剧本的问题,也就是说,不紧要背诵独白,还要了解并且准备一些相关的背景材料来回答问题。–全部用英文回答
5) 试镜之前准备唱16行以上的曲子(不是必选项目,但是要准备)
6) 在试镜之前,准备好简历和一份照片
截止日期: 12月1日
这个算是表演试镜准备的最基本和要求规格最高的要求。初次接触这些要求,尤其是contrasting monologues,具有鲜明对比的独白,我也是比较模糊的,于是搜集了一些资料来看,给大家分享一下。
For people that have been asked to do two contrasting monologues, they often feel that it means one comedic and one dramatic.
However,the contrast is also in tone, style, subject and deliver. Remember this and the following advice when deciding upon your contrasting monologues.
Picking contrasting monologues is vital to showing off your capacity as an act. Look at what occurs in each piece and see if they are truly different and contrasting.
Contemporary and Classical don’t necessarily contrast. They might be similar characters, from similar backgrounds with similar concerns or objectives. The same can be said of the dramatic and the comedic, they are not necessarily contrasting.
When you look at your two pieces, try to make a list of the similarities and differences in the pieces, are there more differences than similarities?
Try to contrast the situation that the character is in, is one talking aloud about their thoughts and feelings and the other mid-flow in the crisis of the drama.
Are the pace of the two pieces different?
Are the topics similar? When you think of the theme of the pieces, do they actually contrast?
Contrasting monologues are two very different characters with two very different goals in two very different situations, in two very different plays and two very different genres of dramatic literature. Contrast is black and white, night and day, not differing shades of gray.
Contrast can exist in:
- Character
- Objective
- Genre
- Situation
- Type of Language
- Movement Demands
- Emotional Range
- Mood or Tone of the Speech
- Accent
The more differences, the more contrasting. But be sure that the heart of each speech is actually different. I’m surprised by how many people bring me very similar monologues without understanding that they are almost entirely the same monologue, just wrapped in different paper.
Contrasting monologues show your dynamic range and capacity. If you need help, you know where to find me.