

大家有没有看过一部意大利影片 《天堂电影院》 ?

还记得里面那个对电影执着追求的 TOTO 吗?这个快乐单纯的小男孩一直追逐着自己的电影之梦,把自己在亲情,爱情和友情里经历的所有快乐和痛苦都记录在自己的作品中。我想,每个人的内心深处都是那个TOTO,有着自己的梦想。从事美国留学申请4年以来,申请过一些电影制作,导演(剧本)专业的申请,which, 中国学生的申请在语言能力,艺术功底和背景等方面不占什么优势,因而,申请的难度可想而知。But,这并不代表者中国学生就没有自己的特点和优势。这里要分享一些在申请到了NYU,SVA (纽约视觉艺术大学),Georgetown U (乔治城大学),SU(雪城大学),USC(南加大)等顶级电影(导演)方面申请的一些心得,主要从作品集,需要提交的文书类型和申请过程的把控这几个方面以案例的形式做一个分享。

相比正常的文科,商科和理工科申请,艺术类申请的“工程量”和“申请系数”无疑是最大的,除了传统的“Resume+Recommendation Letters+Essays (Personal Statement)” package, 艺术类申请还有”portfolio”这个package, 内容和要求也因学校而异,下面列举几个学校的portfolio要求和分析 

本科申请-代表学校:NYU, SVA, USC, UCLA

NYU-这个学校对作品集的内容和格式用着非常严格的要求,历年申请经验告诉我一定要严格遵守,并且在内容上要格外按照要求准备,不得有“all in one”的懒惰想法

Part 1.  A one-page resume that highlights creative work accomplished, activities and relevant employment. Your resume must also include: Your full name, home address, date of birth, the name of your high school and any extra curricular activities or work in your community. –将自己的作品集分类列出来,并且加上简短的介绍,相当于目录INDEX的形式

Part 2.  A creative submission that shows visual storytelling and imaginative expression of thought.  Choose ONE of the following:-要求提交能够表现视觉艺术功底和思想表达能力的作品

a.   Film or video/ live action, animation or documentary.  Video footage of staged plays or theatre performances is not acceptable. Your submission should reflect storytelling skills that convey conflict, character as well as a beginning, middle and end.
b.  Storyboards and/or a portfolio of drawings or paintings (e.g. figure drawings). Your submission should reflect clearly developed ideas and themes within your work.
FORMAT: No more than 10 items 8.5″ x 11″ in size (or the closest metric standard).

c.) Photographs on any subject with or without commentary.  The photographs may also be a presentation of your work in other media, such as painting, illustration, sculpture or set design. Your photos should convey a clear and imaginative visual sense.
FORMAT: No more than 10 photos, 8″ x 10″ in size or the closest metric standard.  No slides.

d.  No more than six pages of dramatic or creative writing consisting of either a short story, script, dramatic scene or play.
FORMAT: 8.5 ” x 11″ pages typed double spaced or screenplay format where applicable.

Part 3.  Dramatic Essay  – Introduce yourself.  Describe an unforgettable event in your life and how it changed your perception of yourself or the view of someone close to you.  This event can be dramatic and/or comedic.  The assignment may be written as a short story in the first person or as an essay.  Please do not write about why or what lead you to pursue a degree in film and television production.  Ultimately we are looking for evidence of your potential as a visual storyteller. —以第一人称或者是叙述文的形式将你人生中最难忘的一件事情”展现“出来。学校要看的是对故事叙述的把控能力,情节的构建和是否有引人入胜的效果。
FORMAT: Up to four typed, double-spaced 8.5” x 11″ pages


The Personal Essay
The personal essay should include a summary of your background, creative interests, academic and professional
goals. It may include unusual life experiences you have had, important influences in your life, your motivation for
wanting to study film and television, and the kind of creative work you want to do. Do not use the personal essay to
flatter us; use these few pages to create a very personal and vivid picture of yourself, what is most important to you,
and your creative and professional goals. This may be the same essay you submitted with the UC application or a
new one. We do not see the essay you submitted with your UC application. (Two pages maximum)

The Critical Essay-写影评,这个对我们国际申请者来说的确是太苛刻了,我们很多学生具备了分析一部电影的实力,中文文采也很震撼,但是要用英语形神地表达出自己的理解,需要有对美国电影文化有很深厚的理解。
The critical essay is your analysis of a film or major television program. It is not a review. You should assume the
reader has seen the work you are discussing; do not include a plot summary. This essay is similar to what you would
write in an English literature or film history course. It is your analysis of any aspect(s) of the work you have
selected: e.g., social observation or commentary; moral or philosophical elements; psychological aspects and
relationships of the characters; dramatic structure; how design, composition, color, lighting, sound are used; etc.
(Three pages maximum)

The Creative Writing Sample-自由发挥的机会来了,这个writing sample主要是考察申请者的写作技能,所以在这里可以把平时写的剧本,影评,短剧等翻译过来,最好能和已经提交的文书材料类型和题材区分开来,让writing sample成为一个独立的不同的展现个人技能和专业素质的机会。
You may submit any kind of creative writing: a short story, a treatment for a film, a script or play excerpt (which
must be typed in standard script format and include a short synopsis of the complete script), a storyboard, poetry
(those submitting poetry must submit one other kind of creative work as well), or any combination. You may also
include photographs and drawings (no larger than 8 ½ x 11) with your creative writing up to the 5-page maximum.
No preference is given to one type of creative work over another. (Five pages maximum)

研究生申请-代表学校:NYU, USC, UCLA, Florida State University



Top Film Schools 1. Florida State University in Tallahassee, FLFlorida State University (FSU) is a public research university that enrolled 40,383 students during the 2010 Fall semester. The university was ranked 47th among the U.S. News & World Report‘s Top Public Schools in 2011. FSU’s faculty is comprised of two Nobel Laureates and two Pulitzer Prize winners. At the Film School, instructors have received 12 nominations and earned two Academy Awards.

FSU’s College of Motion Picture Arts offers a number of degrees in film. Undergraduates can earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Production, a BFA in Animation and Digital Arts or a minor in film studies. Graduate degrees consist of a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Production and an MFA in Writing. The school also offers the graduate, non-degree-granting Torchlight Program, which provides students with education and internship opportunities in film business.

2. New York University in New York, NYFounded in 1831, this private university’s main campus is located in Greenwich Village, which was once home to some of the nation’s most well-known artists. In 2011, the Princeton Review listed the college as a Best Northeastern College.

Within the Tisch School of the Arts, the Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television offers students a BFA in Film and Television, an MFA in Filmmaking or dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Fine Arts (MBA/MFA) in Producing. Additionally, the Skirball Center for New Media offers a Bachelor of Arts in Cinema Studies.

3. University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CAIn 2011, the University of Southern California (USC), a private research institution, was ranked 23rd among national universities by U.S. News & World Report. USC’s School of Cinematic Arts offers bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in film and television production, film and television writing, film studies and producing.

Both retired and practicing directors, writers, editors, producers and other filmmaking professionals make up the school’s film faculty. This film school provides numerous state-of-the-art production centers, including sound and scoring stages, digital arts and animation studios, and editing rooms.

List of Ten Good Film Universities in the United States

College/University Name Distinction Location
Boston University Offers the student-run Hothouse Productions company Boston, MA
California Institute of the Arts Joint program at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City Valencia, CA
Columbia University Master of Fine Arts with a creative producing concentration New York, NY
Florida State University Alumni earned the most Student Oscars and College Television Awards in a single year Tallahassee, FL
New York University Six nominations for the 2011 Student Academy Awards New York, NY
Temple University Los Angeles internship program open to undergraduate and graduate students Philadelphia, PA
University of California – Los Angeles Offers an MFA in Cinematography program Los Angeles, CA
University of North Carolina School of the Arts The MFA program includes a concentration in film music composition Winston-Salem, NC
University of Southern California Includes the Robert Zemeckis Center for Digital Arts for film students Los Angeles, CA
University of Texas – Austin The city sponsors several internationally known film festivals Austin, TX


拓展阅读:追梦的路上-艺术时尚设计类-历年申请Parsons the New School for Design案例分享



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